Cathi tagged me last week. it's just taken me awhile to post this, sorry.
Here are the rules for those I'm tagging.
Check the list after my 6 THINGS to see if you're it (although I'll be emailing all of you).
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six or so people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
6 Random thinks:
1. I'm addicted to Reading2. I love to write
3. I want to become a cosmetologist
4. I'm a GRITS...(girl raised in the south)
5.I crochet
6. Love spending time w/my Lord in his word
Blogs I've Tagged.
Cecelia Dowdy My Christian Fiction Blog , M.L.Tyndall Cross and Cutlass, Susan Kirkland, Debra Ullrick Christian Romance Author ..., Layman, Instruction Book for Life Sheila Cheeky magpie